Best Sales Tips To Close Your First Copywriting Client

If you’re experiencing having to close your first copywriting client, we want you to understand that we’ve ALL been there before. Not just in copywriting, but in dating and in life: there’s always a first time for everything.

Although closing your first copywriting client may be a daunting and challenging step, and you’ll likely be nervous about what your client may say, you need to realize that this is an inevitable part of the process if you want to become a successful copywriter.

Luckily, we’ll break down how the sales call should go with your client in 3 steps:

1) Beginning – Professionalism and Rapport
2) Middle – Listening and Showing
3) Ending – Next Steps and Good Impression

Beginning – Be Professional and Build Rapport

Assuming you have a video call with your client and that you’ve set a time to talk and they have accepted the invite, you should know a few things.

First, be on time. DO NOT Be late!! Being late to a call is a sign of disrespect, no matter who you are talking to.

Secondly, make sure you have a clean and nice background. Videoconferencing platforms like Zoom and Google Meet have standard office backgrounds that you can use. Additionally, ensure that you are in a quiet room and that your audio works properly. There’s nothing more unprofessional than wasting your potential client’s time because you couldn’t set up the audio properly.

Lastly, say “Hi [NAME]” and ask them how their day is going. Thank them for joining the call, and lead the conversation by raising a question or compliment that will break the ice. For example, “That’s a nice background” or “Where are you based?”. Keep it simple, and then get into the conversation. 

Middle – Listen, listen, listen. Then show. 

Now that you get into the conversation, your goal should be to get as much information as possible from your client. So let them talk! To achieve this goal, you need to ask LOTS of questions:

  • What products or services does their company offer?
  • Why are they looking for a copywriter?
  • What is their end goal?
  • How much content are they looking to publish?
  • Have they worked with other freelance copywriters in the past?
  • What methods of communication do they use? Slack? Email? Google Drive? WhatsApp? Telegram?

A common question that we get all the time is:

What if I don’t have ANY experience?

The answer is simple. Be honest and tell the truth: “You will be my first client”.

But instead of telling them about how you can help, SHOW THEM. Show them samples of your copywriting swipe file, which courses you’ve taken, any examples of copy you like, and break down why. 

Ending – Get to the point.

We’ll say it one more time: GET TO THE POINT. What do you want as a copywriter? A $1500/mo retainer? A review on Clutch? Tell them what you want in exchange for providing your service.

Then, simply mention the next steps to make this exchange successful. Two things you’ll need:

– A Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA)
– A proposal outlining the scope of work and your services

ALWAYS end the call by mentioning these two next steps to move forward. If you don’t have an NDA or a proposal ready, make sure you do! There are hundreds of thousands of templates online, so just choose a few and ensure they are reviewed and signed by you BEFORE sending them to your clients. 

Lastly, send over the documents FAST. Speed is #1 in business, and this way, you’ll show that you deliver work quickly while the lead is still interested in trying your services

P.S: Always frame the conversation as if this is just one starting project, but you’d like to build a long-term relationship with them.

We hope you enjoyed this blog post!

If you’re interested in learning more about how to charge your clients for copywriting services, read our blog