Why should you hire a professional website copywriter?

We’ve all seen them – websites with a great carousel,  graphics, audio, and visual effects that grab our attention. But when we click through, we find out that there are many visual effects with no quality content at all. Such a disappointment!

Here’s a story: we are currently creating the copy for a client’s website in the cybersecurity space. After reviewing their old website, we saw that it had a carousel with images that were really attractive, but they lost what should be for them the most important focus on their website: grabbing people’s attention. 

The first thing a website should always showcase is the company’s services under a clear and concise message that sells unique services or products in a compelling way!

So our main advice is that on your landing page and in the other sections of your website, people must visualize a clear message of what you do, how you work,  and what is more important, which is your value proposition for your clients.

This is where copywriters have a great start. You may think that you need great design, but here’s why hiring a professional website copywriter is important: 

Great design without quality copywriting is a waste of your design investment. 

If you’re serious about online success, don’t use amateur or inappropriate copywriting on your website – professional copywriting will give you a much better chance to maximize your website’s effectiveness.

Why is quality copywriting so important?

Numerous internet users gravitate towards the web for amusement purposes. However, a significant portion of these users hold a more explicit intent. Primarily, these individuals seek information, desiring to uncover solutions to their queries or resolve their dilemmas. Consequently, the textual substance of a website must be tailored to meet the requirement of the specific audience.

Good website copy creates a conversation with your prospect about their life when you’ve met their needs. You must understand what those needs are before you start writing the copy for your site so that your conversation will be all about them, not you.

People who go online need answers – they want to know if you have a solution to their problems, and they want answers as soon as possible.

It will only take a few seconds for your visitor to decide if your website is for them. All they care about is ‘WHAT’S IN IT FOR THEM.’ They want to know if you have a solution to their needs, and that’s why your Unique Selling Proposition on your homepage is so important. They expect you to solve their problems.

Main rule --> Benefits first, features second. 

Sure, your product or service may have amazing features, but your visitors want to know how they make their life easier. You need to tell them how they will benefit from your offer. Most business owners are so excited about their product’s features they never get to the benefits.

Quality content can boost your search results.

Written content performs a dual function—it articulates to your potential customers how your services or products can be of assistance and communicates the context of your page to search engines. A scarcity of written content translates into fewer keywords being identified by analytics, potentially resulting in suboptimal page rankings.

While graphics and animations offer an appealing visual representation of your brand, search engines may not always detect these elements (unless images are aptly named and the ‘alt tags’ match). Contrasting these visuals with relevant written descriptions could further enhance your SEO performance.

Don’t Underestimate the Power of Quality Copy in Videos

The primary objective of your website should be fostering trust, and employing face-to-camera videos could be an effective method to accomplish this. It facilitates direct communication with your target audience, allowing you to demonstrate an understanding of their challenges and offer suitable solutions.

Invest in professional copywriting.

High-performing web copy results from proficient writers who not only dedicate adequate time to their craft but also exhibit a fervor for copywriting and cognizance of the SEO implications of their work.

The capacity to craft a brochure, develop a sales proposal, or draft a press release may be commendable, yet devising articulate, goal-oriented, and impactful web copy is an entirely different challenge.

A professionally designed website focusing on conversion can amplify conversions by a significant 20-30%, especially if its predecessor was a poor-quality conversion-focused design.

We propose enhancing this success by investing in a professional web copywriter adept at communicating with both your customers and the search engines that direct those customers to your site.

The fusion of visually appealing design and compelling content on your website can dramatically increase your chances of converting visitors into loyal customers.

Eager to create compelling copy for your website?

Contact our team now!