The Top 10 Quotes to Inspire Your Copy

In this article, our team will share the top 10 quotes to inspire your copy. We will explain the meaning behind one of these quotes in detail. 

Nine of these quotes were said by world-class copywriters and world leaders who seduced their audiences through the written word. 

BONUS: At the end of the article, we will share a quote generated by ChatGPT to see how much AI has evolved in the creative fields. 

Quote #1 

“Make it simple. Make it memorable. Make it inviting to look at. Make it fun to read.” – Leo Burnett

It is more challenging to simplify copy than to explain everything in detail. Trying to transmit the right message while provoking emotion in a concise, easy-to-read, fun, and engaging way is the ultimate challenge.

At the end of the day, the common denominator to really overcome that challenge is to be creative. One really great example is Nike’s “just do it”. 

Simple, effective, fun. 

Quote #2 

“Your headline is the first, and perhaps the only, impression you make on a prospective reader” – David Ogilvy

In essence, the headline carries the weighty responsibility of either drawing readers in or pushing them away. 

Given the overwhelming amount of information on social media and news platforms, there’s intense competition to grab a reader’s attention. This is why the initial impact of a headline becomes crucial as it serves as a gatekeeper; if it doesn’t immediately hook or intrigue the reader, most will stop reading, often in less than 8 seconds or less, moving on to the next piece of content. 

Quote #3

“To me, marketing is about values. It’s a complicated and noisy world, and we’re not going to get a chance to get people to remember much about us. No company is. So we have to be really clear about what we want them to know about us.” – Steve Jobs

Is your brand leaving an impact? Consumers aren’t interested in your company’s history, nor how much you spent on marketing to get to them in the first place. All they care about is the perception and the feeling that they get when they identify with your brand.

In other words, how do you make your customers “feel”. They don’t want to buy a product or service, they just want to identify themselves and have a sense of belonging. 

Moreover, most companies have NO CLUE on what their brand represents. Only the companies that have a clear and distinctive brand, AND know how to transmit that brand messaging, are the ones that really stick in the minds of the consumers.

Quote #4 

“The most powerful element in advertising is the truth.” – William Bernbach

If you don’t truly believe in your product, it will be very unlikely that you will reach your audience. 

In copy writing, you have to try to say the truth in the most credible way possible. For example, a good way of showing the truth is to use statistics and testimonials that give credibility to your claims and statements. 

Quote #5 

“Sometimes the best copy to sell a horse is ‘horse for sale’.” – Jay Abraham

Why overcomplicate things? 

If someone is looking for a horse, they might not need (or want) an elaborate story or a list of features. They’re looking for a horse, so tell them there’s a horse for sale. It’s about matching the message to the needs and desires of the audience.

Quote #6

“I’m writing a book. I’ve got the page numbers done.” – Steven Wright

This quote is for the creatives who work as copywriters or content writers. Sometimes, it is REALLY hard to be creative. There are days in which one is completely stuck and ideas just don’t flow. The majority of the time, the hardest part is to simply write something down and get started. 

The seemingly trivial accomplishment of numbering pages mirrors those moments of creative block, where even the smallest step forward feels like a monumental achievement. Yet, there’s also a note of optimism; once that initial hurdle is overcome, even if it’s as simple as jotting down page numbers, the floodgates of creativity can open, allowing ideas to flow more freely and naturally.

Quote #7

“The most important thing is a hungry market, not a brilliant burger.”  – Gary Halbert

If someone truly has a need, the product or service will sell itself. You don’t need to exaggerate the benefits, you just need to make the reader know that they DO have a need and that YOU can fulfill it.

Quote #8

“The secret of being boring is to say everything.”  Voltaire

Information overload can lead to disinterest or confusion, causing the essence of the message to be lost. Similarly, in copy writing, if every single quality or feature of a product is highlighted without discernment, it can repel potential customers rather than attract them.

Quote #9

“There are two motives to action: self-interest and fear.” – Napoleon Bonaparte

This quote is great because it highlights the two main drivers for action when people read what you write: insecurity and self-interest. 

First, the greatest copy writing tactic is to offer a product or service that can generate trust in a person that is feeling insecure about something, and solve that insecurity for them. Many times, the headlines that capture the most attention are those that appeal to the emotion of fear “10 reasons why X food is making you gain weight”, “The top 5 reasons why you could die today”, etc.

On the other hand, copy has to solve a problem, and if that is not an insecurity then it MUST be a pain point. People are also looking for their own self-interest, so they are only looking for benefits. 

Your readers will always think, “What’s in it for me”? 

Thus, we suggest you highlight benefits over features, especially in headlines. For example, stop wasting time, make more money today, find your love couple, get promoted at your job, etc. 

Quote #10 (BONUS) 

“Copywriting isn’t about using big words, but about making big impacts with the right ones.” – ChatGPT

It is crazy to think that ChatGPT could generate such an incredible quote!

Here’s the meaning: 

An experienced copywriter knows that they must use words that generate an emotional impact in the readers, so they can guide those emotions toward generating action. 

More often than not, jargon and complicated words end up tiring and confusing the reader when the opposite should happen, you just need to capture attention and monetize it. THAT’S IT.

So, as a last tip, there are some lists of words that you can use in copywriting that typically generate more impact while causing less friction. 

Are you interested in knowing what some of those words are?

Read our blog here