Top 7 Market Predictions For Copywriting Agencies in 2025-2030

This blog will be about our team’s personal thoughts on how agencies in the digital marketing industry, and more specifically the writing niche, will have to adapt to what’s coming in 2025-2030.

We’ll touch on the top 7 market predictions, and hopefully, you’ll see the same trends that our team is currently observing so you can adapt your copy and increase online sales and conversions. 

Let’s get to it!

Prediction #1 – Organic and authentic content will win over AI

If you have ever opened up LinkedIn or Twitter and read posts that look generic and copycat, then you know they’ve been written using AI. That’s a total turnoff!

As a matter of fact, our team read a post by a VP of Sales of a huge company that started as follows:

“In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, successful businesses understand the pivotal role that connectivity plays in driving growth and facilitating digital transformation.”

This is TERRIBLE copy.

We could immediately tell that it was written using ChatGPT or any other plug-and-play AI tool.

The worst part is that LinkedIn, Twitter, and other social media networks are getting flooded with AI-generated content. 

Sure, AI is great and you can do tons of content quickly. But nothing should come quick and easy. 

Our personal prediction as a team of professional writers is that authenticity and emotion will always trump AI-generated content. A few things will happen:

  • Social media algorithms will further penalize AI-generated content (they are currently implementing them).
  • Users simply won’t buy the crap. Ad conversion and other metrics will always show organic content as king. 

So that being said, BE ORIGINAL. BE AUTHENTIC. 

Hiring a copywriter instead of using AI tools is still better than creating poor-quality content that will harm your brand’s image and make your readers want to stop following you on all platforms.

Prediction #2 – Every copy professional will use artificial intelligence

This sounds a bit counterintuitive, since we literally JUST said that organic content will beat AI-generated content every single time. And that’s true.

However, we predict that every freelance writer or agency will still leverage AI algorithms for two main things: to draw inspiration/ideas, and to structure information in a way that’s easier to read.

There will be hundreds if not thousands of new tools out there, which will become more specialized than ever. Some of those tools will be great for ideating content and doing research, while others will help with organizing the content, keeping a close eye on conversion metrics, and aiding copywriters with SEO traffic and other sources of leads. 

This means that companies will become more agile and efficient in their marketing teams. Instead of having a team of 5 writers, they will simply need one or two great professionals who know how to leverage AI tools to 10X productivity.

Prediction #3 – Unified conversion content strategies

In essence, a copywriter will have to consider the content pieces as a unified conversion campaign across different stages, rather than individual pieces of content. 

Organizations will strive to use more copywriting, and to use it EVERYWHERE. Instead of doing an ad campaign, an individual newsletter, or a simple website copy revamp, organizations will hire writers to do a holistic copy writing strategy.

Good copy will have the most impact across 4 stages:

  1. Dark social – this is where people on social media comment on your posts. Copy writers will be hired to do community management and to write personalized responses to comments on social media focused on one thing alone: CONVERSION. If a user types something on LinkedIn such as “Great content! Thanks for sharing”, a copywriter would be the best person to answer something like “Thanks XXXXX for your comment, if you’re interested in more quality content we hope to see you in our next webinar! – link below”. These responses will be tailored and personalized to each and every comment, and this is already starting to happen in some YouTube channels. Just take a look at some of your favorite YT channels and see if you can identify this behavior.
  2. Outbound marketing – After capturing prospects on dark social, marketing teams will be able to run targeted campaigns in an account-based marketing fashion where the copy will also be personalized to every single individual who showed interest. Instead of mass prospecting, personalization will win. 
  3. Website copywriting – Copywriters will have to triple focus on capturing users through a quick and easy-to-read landing page that CONVERTS. Once interest is drawn, it’s time to monetize.
  4. Email nurturing – Finally, once readers turn into deals, copy strategies will be centered around nurturing those deals and increasing the customer’s long-term value over time.

Prediction #4 – Freelance copywriters and content writers will be in super high demand.

Retail stores will die, and digital content will be more important than ever. Period.

According to Upwork, the majority of workers will freelance by 2027.

We couldn’t agree more. 

Freelancing will be more efficient for companies, and more profitable for individuals. Instead of being paid to sit at a desk, freelancers will be paid in proportion to the results they bring to organizations. This is a true meritocracy.

Prediction #5 – Companies and individuals will use the “content-length ladder” to monetize users.

Attention will be progressively increased through content. In order to monetize, the path will go from shorter content to longer content.

For example, this is what acquiring a user will look like:

Tweet --> Sales page --> E-Book

  • The 45-word tweet will take users to a 700-word article
  • The 700-word article will take users to a 1,500-word sales page
  • The 1,500-word sales page will take users to download and purchase a 50k-word e-book.

Little bits of digestible information will rule attention-grabbing, making readers want to consume more. Companies will go from shorter content to longer content and not the other way around.

Prediction #6 – Voice copywriting will become the next big thing.

The world will transition from text to voice. Siri, Alexa, and other voice assistants will become more prevalent. Similar to how products and services were advertised on the radio, there will be voice ads at scale on social media and copywriters will have to adjust the copy and the scripts not by how the text is read, but by how it sounds and how it flows. As copy professionals, we will also have to spend more time researching which voices to choose from that sound natural.

One example would be using programs such as Synthesia, where the writer needs to create the script and select all the settings such that the video production of the AI-assisted avatar can speak in a compendious and natural fashion.

Prediction #7 – Copywriting staff augmentation will become more prevalent.

As our final prediction for 2025-2030, our team believes that staff augmentation will rule over other kinds of business models. Organizations will want to ramp up and down teams of freelance writers as they see fit. 

Copy staffing will also allow companies to experiment with various talents from all around the world. 

That’s it! We hope you liked our predictions.

Stay tuned for our upcoming blogs on our website.

